A large part of northern and central Nigeria is now at the mercy of
intensified attacks by Boko Haram, and the group seems to be embarking
on a new phase of its campaign against the Nigerian state -- piling
further pressure on the government of President Goodluck Jonathan.
Last week we have
seen devastating bomb attacks in Jos, in central Nigeria, as well as a
suicide bombing in Kano - the largest city in the north. Two more
villages in the state of Borno, Boko Haram's stronghold in the
northeast, came under attack, with at least 30 civilians killed. There
have also been two bomb attacks in the federal capital, Abuja, in the
last five weeks.
Jacob Zenn, a long-time observer of Boko Haram, says its aim is likely to stretch Nigeria's beleaguered security forces, possibly by combining with another Islamic militant group: Ansaru.
"In 2012, one of Boko
Haram's goals was to launch attacks in the Middle Belt and southern
Nigeria via the Ansaru networks - in order to spread Nigerian forces
thin in Borno," Zenn told CNN. "We may be seeing a similar tactic
employed now."
John Campbell, a former
U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria and now a Senior Fellow at the Council on
Foreign Relations, agrees that Ansaru seems to be reappearing but adds
that little is known about the group and its leadership.
What alarms analysts is
the way Boko Haram and its supporters are able to carry out multiple
attacks on targets far apart, all within days of each other. Jos and
Kano are more than 300 miles from Borno.
The double car-bomb
attack against a market in Jos on Tuesday, which killed 118 people,
according to the National Emergency Management Agency, is typical of its
strategy beyond Borno: to strike soft targets in places where sectarian
tensions are already high, with massive force. The use of two bombs
some 30 minutes apart copied an al Qaeda tactic.
Jacob Zenn, a long-time observer of Boko Haram, says its aim is likely to stretch Nigeria's beleaguered security forces, possibly by combining with another Islamic militant group: Ansaru.
Photo: Nigerians protest over kidnapped girls
Zenn says Ansaru networks
carried out more than 15 bombings in Jos, Kaduna and Abuja between 2010
and 2012, even though the attacks were attributed to Boko Haram. Those
networks, he believes, have now been reactivated.
Zenn, an analyst at the
Jamestown Foundation in Washington, says Boko Haram recruits who have
trained in Borno - disaffected young Muslims from across the Middle Belt
region - may be returning home to "carry out attacks against their
enemies -- whether rival Christians or the government."
What is known is that
Boko Haram and Ansaru have plenty of money to recruit and finance
operatives -- through bank robberies and kidnappings.
Campbell says Boko Haram has become adept at bank robberies and stealing weapons from government armories.
Zenn believes Ansaru's
connections to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) have helped fill
its coffers. In 2012 it kidnapped a French engineer, Francis Collomp.
AQIM also held four French hostages - who were freed in late 2013 -
reportedly for a ransom payment of $27 million. A few weeks later
Collomp escaped, or perhaps was allowed to escape, provoking speculation
that Ansaru had been in on the deal and shared the ransom money. Last
year, Zenn says, Ansaru received part of a $3 million ransom paid to
secure the release of a French family kidnapped by Boko Haram in
northern Cameroon.
The challenge for the
Nigerian security forces grows by the day. According to locals quoted in
the Nigerian media, Boko Haram fighters were able to spend several
hours unchallenged looting and killing in the village of Alagano early
last week Wednesday. The village is only a few miles from the school where the
girls were abducted in April, and supposedly in an area where there is a
heightened military presence.
One option to squeeze
Boko Haram would be better military coordination with neighboring
states, where the group takes refuge and resupplies itself. On Tuesday,
President Jonathan announced plans to bolster a Joint Task Force - with a
battalion each from Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroon. But Zenn says
that "thus far all initiatives of this sort have absolutely flunked.
It's supposed to exist already in the Multinational Joint Task Force
but, because of language issues, mistrust and lack of funding, doesn't
really work."
There is also a larger
question looming in a country that has had military rule for more than
half its life as an independent state. Nigeria has had civilian rule
since 1999, but Zenn says there is now a risk that "the still less than
20-year old democracy experiment in Nigeria may be coming to an end,
since there are increasing reports of military defections and mutinies."
"With the potential for
instability ahead of the elections [due in February next year], the
military may step in in one way or another," he adds.
Campbell says the
surprise is that the military hasn't moved before now, given the
deteriorating situation. But he says it is a much smaller and weaker
organization than 10 or 15 years ago; the top brass has been thoroughly
politicized and is close to the Presidency. The nightmare scenario, he
says, is a mutiny by junior officers. But Campbell cautions that the
Nigerian military is little understood by outsiders, which incidentally
makes foreign assistance to improve its performance more difficult to
There is another larger
danger for Nigeria stoked by the Boko Haram campaign: a version of
ethnic cleansing. Thousands of Christians have already fled areas like
Gwoza in Borno, and Campbell says that sectarian divisions and violence
have divided the city of Jos into predominantly Muslim and Christian
districts. After Tuesday's bombings, which were likely calculated to
inflame religious tension, Christian youths began setting up roadblocks
around their neighborhoods. The Kano attack was also in a Christian
In another sign that
sectarian tensions are spreading, some Christian groups have demanded
that the next Governor of Lagos - the country's commercial capital and
the city least prone to religious conflict - be a Christian.
For now, Campbell says,
Boko Haram has the wind in its sails, after a series of devastating
attacks in recent months that have humiliated the government and
military. The abduction of the schoolgirls has brought it international
notoriety and attention.
Far from seizing the
opportunity to outline demands for greater autonomy and resources for
northern Nigeria, Boko Haram seems set on two goals: the destruction of
the Nigerian state and what it -- and it alone -- sees as creating God's
Kingdom on Earth.
Culled from CNN.com
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